Making the Grade: Strategic Mine Laying

Due to focusing on my studies, it has been months since my last article on Christmas Planets. I have a break between semesters, so I am taking time to write an article which might help players choose which race to embrace — if you are one of those who likes to focus on just one race. This piece examines the capabilities of the eleven Echo Cluster races to control the battlefield with minefields, i.e., strategic mine laying, and it assigns a letter grade to each race based on three skill categories: long term sustainability, countermining potential, and minefield specialisation.
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Abusing the Military Score

Not long ago, I was accused of sharing secret intel. As it happens, what I passed on was public knowledge. I figured there’s no point keeping a secret everyone knows. Turns out there was, but that’s another story for later. For now, let me tell you how everyone knew it.

If you look at the Scoreboard, you’ll see a column entitled “Military Score”. During the early part of the game, when there’s a limited number of starbases in play, it’s very possible to use that score to analyze the composition of enemy fleets. Even in the later game, it’s quite practicable to use it to figure out builds and ship trades by your enemies.

Here’s how it works:

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Minehits and Glory Devices – Ships that will be destroyed

Frequently asked questions about Glory Devices – APPENDIX 3:
(originally compiled by Anaconda)

The following list contains all Planets starships that will be destroyed by a single Glory Device or a Minehit. All ships marked with an asterisk * are only available in Campaign Games. All other ships in the Planets shiplist will either survive a single minehit or Glory Device detonation or even will be able to repair themselves instantly using supplies.

Destroyed – Ships that will be destroyed by minehits or Glory Devices. Continue reading

Minehits and Glory Devices – Ships that can repair themselves

Frequently asked questions about Glory Devices – APPENDIX 5:
(originally compiled by Anaconda)

The following list contains all Planets starships that are able to repair themselves instantly using supplies to compensate at least one Glory Device or Minehit. All ships marked with an asterisk * are only available in Campaign Games.
Please note that these figures require supplies in sufficient numbers on board; some ships will be limited in their fighting abilities due to ammunition shortages if the required supplies for repair are loaded. All other ships in the Planets shiplist will either be destroyed when striking a mine or will require other means to be repaired.

 Ships that can repair themselves instantly using supplies:

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Minefields: Behind the Host

(written by Veldan)

The first article all about minefields sure was exciting, was it not? If you haven’t read it please take a look at The Nine Attributes of Space Mines. This second article in this three-part series delves deep into the host order for any minefield related host actions. The objective is that with the first two articles in the series complete, the ground work will be laid for the third article to discuss more advanced minefield topics. Veterans out there may want to give this article at least a skim, you never know Continue reading

The Nine Attributes of Space Mines

(written by Veldan)

Welcome to this first article in a three-part series discussing an oftentimes not well-understood subject in Planets: the lowly minefield. This series of articles is intended to cover major subjects for minefields. This first article introduces the minefield, outlines its major characteristics, gives guidance on how one may consider moving through a minefield, explains the minefield limit, and finally describes the relationship between a minefield and that scourge of the Echo Cluster, the ion storm. This article is directed toward Continue reading

The Travelling Minefield

(written by DungeonMaster)

Many players often end up with large stockpiles of cash and minerals well away from the frontlines. If the fronts are stable, or in your favour, then it’s imperative that those resources go to developing bases to produce more ships. As is often the case however, there is pressing need for mines at the fronts. The travelling minefield is an essential strategy to supply those resources across long distances.

What you need is: two high tech torpedo laying ships which can lay and scoop a 150 ly Continue reading