White Flag

Excerpt from official report. Confidential.
“…Company C had been ordered to secure the overrun area and establish communications and watch posts. Green Platoon was assigned the damaged fortifications between Hills 147 and 183. We deployed in loose skirmish order and proceeded to scan for live munitions and/or enemy personnel. At 0210 hours…”

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Sentry (part 3)

For Part 1, click here.

Reluctantly, the sheriff moved his investigation indoors, and tried hard to ignore the fact that the… the whatsit gave him the willies.

It just stood there, apparently immobile. The thing hadn’t moved at all since it first emerged from its resting place inside the wall, a neat hollow behind a layer of loose-set bricks. Fact was, it didn’t look much like something that could move. It was all one piece, of fired brown pottery, glazed, and decorated with abstract swirls. There were no joints of any sort that he could see. It had no eyes, nor anything that could be properly called a face, on the squat ceramic dome that stuck out where its head ought to be.

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Sentry (part 2)

For Part 1, click here.

“…and when I come to, I called you, Sheriff.”

The sheriff looked the part, only shorter and darker than average. (He’d been a fighter pilot during the War, and had run for office on his record.) Since then his life had gotten a lot quieter — except for days like today, that is. Right now, he was standing on the board porch next to the farmer, hat tilted way back on his head, taking notes. “So, you heard a loud noise, and something busted through the wall. That would make a noise, all right.”

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Sentry (part 1)

The old farmer’s face was seamed and leathery, his pale eyes deceptively mild as he sat reading peacefully by his fireplace.

His first harvest from this new homestead was safely in the barn and the fields lay fallow, awaiting a kind of winter he’d not yet seen. The War had forced him to relocate three times, and he devoutly hoped he’d never move again — never mind that it smelled funny here when it rained. The government radio broadcast said he wouldn’t have to, but that’s the kind of thing governments always say. He had his doubts. He kept them to himself.

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A Review of the New PP Changes for Ships


NOTE: This article is about changes at Planets.nu that were announced for the 2023 season. These changes remain in effect.


Certain ships that were considered underused were given a buff by reducing their Priority Point cost. Each ship receiving this benefit had its PP cost reduced by 1. You can view the official list of ships here

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