Planets Magazine Invitational

The first second Planets Magazine Classic Invitational is well underway; details for the first can be found here. Invitations for the second third Invitational are currently being prepared, and the new game is being designed even as we speak.

The Rules

(subject to change)

This game is Classic, with a Total Planets victory condition. The main variation from the original Classic rules is: Fight or Fail is set to advance by one every 7 turns, ensuring that no vassal race can continue perpetually or after the player’s death but permitting a 500-turn marathon if that’s what we decide we want. There are a few tweaks, and if you’re curious about them we advise looking through the game setup, because some are meant to be a surprise.

Players will select their races as they join, on a first-come, first-served basis. (Some invitations may be conditional.)

As always, we permit a vote to end the game, so if an overwhelming majority thinks it’s been decided, there’s no need to subject them to unbearable tedium. Traditionally, the two highest planet counts will then ally and the others will cede them planets until the game ends. This saves us having to bug the Admins or delete the game.


Invitations will be sent out through the Planets Nu messaging interface, to a list of players based on a modified version of the Mercenaries Top 100 and the top commanders of each race. If you feel you deserve an invitation, please contact our editors at


Prizes will be awarded, depending as always on the level of support received from the community. We have a custom coffee mug — black, large, with a starfield — with an inscription commemorating this epic battle. One of these will be shipped FREE to every champion; in order to boost the prize fund, Due to the obscene cost of shipping and the high break rate, we no longer provide these free, but significant contributors to the Planets Magazine will have the option of ordering mugs for themselves.

There is also a trophy worthy of the victorious champion.

To contribute to the prize fund, please attach a note to your donation either at PayPal or the Buy Me A Coffee link below.

Buy Me A Coffee