Navigating The Queue

DISCLAIMER: This document will not guarantee wins and it is not a technical manual for the queues; however, it will give you a baseline for managing your empire under the umbrella of each system. Launch your galley here; adjust your heading for the stars.

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Which Queue?

Not the one from Star Trek.

How to Find Build Queue Information in the Host Settings

When you start a game at Planets.Nu, you need to know how to identify which build queue is active. Sometimes you are given the information, sometimes not. In this article, you will find instructions on how to find these details.

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How To Break The New Nu Queue

NOTE: PPQ is an experimental system, still in development. Joshua has mentioned that he’s not satisfied with some aspects of it and intends to make a few changes. So this should not be considered an authoritative guide, but rather a collection of logistics tactics and stratagems that anyone can read and use. That way, we’re all facing what could otherwise be an intimidating innovation on a relatively equal footing. That’s the intent, anyway. -G

Well, it’s official: We’re using the New Nu Queue in League games as well as in some private ones, and a lot of you will have run into it by now. That doesn’t mean, however, that everyone will be equally familiar with how it works and how best to take advantage.

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The New Queue Translated — Unofficially

Like the title says, this is NOT official; it’s NOT a statement from Joshua; it’s NOT authoritative. Instead, it’s our best educated guess based on what we know for certain. Be assured, this article will be modified in order to keep it current with any changes or discoveries, and from time to time it may be taken down or reposted.

The Intent:
The roll-out will not be immediate; instead, there will first be test games and Continue reading

Gnerphk Goes Psychic: Production Queue Predictions

Look, we all know this subject is going to take place in the comments and dominate the Nu’s feed. Since no amount of discouragement is apt to eliminate this speculation — and, more to the point, since this speculation is absolutely essential to the process of creating future strategies and production tactics for use in the new system, Continue reading