Nu Replayer: A discovery of Artificial Negativity (Nov 2021)

EDITOR’S NOTE: CSY has been kind enough to give us an update on his Nu Replayer project. There are also some discoveries about the computer player in here, so it’s worth a gander even if you don’t use this tool.


It has been quite a long while since I touched Nu Replayer in any form. Even in its “Perpetual Alpha” state, the existing functionality has worked quite nicely.

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Planets Without A Subscription: A Guide

There are several rules to playing Planets Nu without paying for a subscription. I’m going to start with the first one.

Rule 1. Don’t.

Most things in life, you can maybe cut some corners and save a couple bucks here and there, and it’s worth it. There are some exceptions to this rule, for example: Durable, comfortable shoes tend to cost more than the cheapest, but the difference in price pays for itself in a couple of years because they won’t be worn out by the time you’ve replaced the plastic junk ones twice over. Plus later in life your back and legs will thank you. On this same list can be found such items as a good mattress, the right toilet paper, tea that isn’t made from dust and sweepings, filtered water for your coffee, and Planets Nu.

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Planets Mag Revived: And They Have A Plan

We have a unified vision — well, mostly unified.

(I’m the handsome one. -T) (That makes me…the smart one? -G)

The Cylons have taken over the Planets Magazine. Thanks to their revolutionary Resurrection Ship technology, the venerable magazine has been brought back from the dead, and now… No, seriously: We may be back, but we’re not Cylons.
(Although…would we really know? -G) (Speak for yourself. -T)

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How To Break The New Nu Queue

NOTE: PPQ is an experimental system, still in development. Joshua has mentioned that he’s not satisfied with some aspects of it and intends to make a few changes. So this should not be considered an authoritative guide, but rather a collection of logistics tactics and stratagems that anyone can read and use. That way, we’re all facing what could otherwise be an intimidating innovation on a relatively equal footing. That’s the intent, anyway. -G

Well, it’s official: We’re using the New Nu Queue in League games as well as in some private ones, and a lot of you will have run into it by now. That doesn’t mean, however, that everyone will be equally familiar with how it works and how best to take advantage.

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The Inside Scoop: 3D and Levels

As our first project here at the revived Planets Magazine, we wanted to touch base with Joshua and get a look at some of the coming events we have to look forward to at Planets Nu. He’s agreed to let us see a little bit of what he’s got in mind for the coming months.

(The following has been condensed from a rather lengthy email chain. Just, you know, kinda imagine we’re in a comfy studio with nice cups of tea and a plate of cookies, chilling. -Editor)

Hi! I’m Gnerphk and this is Talespin. (Pretend you can see him wave. He’s waving now.) We’ve tracked down the enigmatic Joshua to ask him a few questions about Planets Nu: how we’re doing, where we’re heading, and what we’re likely to see in the future.

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