Getting To Second Base: Comparing Tactics

Before you get too excited, this article is about neither sex nor baseball. Keep your shirt on.

In both the early PBP and the modern PQ systems, it’s highly advantageous to construct a second starbase early in the game. Many players believe the best move is to use their homeworld to produce the needed minerals, loading them up on a Large Freighter and shipping the whole “starbase-in-a-box” kit out to the first prime native world they discover. It’s a solid move; it creates a potential source for new vessels early on, generates an advantage in the PBP/PP race, and Continue reading

Hello, Dolly! or, Is Post-Limit Cloning Wise?

And now, as promised, some thoughts on the future desirability of post-limit cloning:

We are all certainly in agreement that, in TimHost 3.20, if this had occurred it would have been a glitch. As this is no longer TimHost, we are permitted to consider whether this ought to exist as a potential feature. We have this right simply because we are no Continue reading

Riding The Wild Serf, or The Fine Art Of Harvesting Peasants

We of the Cyborg Feudality gladly make our technological advancements available to the untutored natives we find on the planets in the NuNiverse. Indeed, as we have earlier had reason to observe, they embrace our ways with such enthusiasm that they eventually vanish into our Noble Collective, swelling our Continue reading

On Networking, or Keeping Your Head In The Clouds

We of the Cyborg Feudality are justly renowned for our unmatched Cube ships.  The Biocide is as deadly a carrier as any in the game; the Annihilation is the meanest battleship ever built.  Both are massive engines of pure destruction.  Each is designed to dominate in combat; each is the perfect Continue reading


This is your Planets Mag Action News reporter coming to you live from the planet Kobol with a breaking story on ship cloning.

For the past two weeks, the Forums have been abuzz with the rumor that players have been cloning ships after the ship limit has been reached.  Veteran players from all over the cluster say Continue reading

Priority Build Points

(written by ECV)

Planets is a game of managing finite resources. The game has an absolute limit of 500 ships in the sector at any time. Early in the game, players build their fleet. Later, sometime between turn 20 and turn 40, the number of ships in the sector reaches 500, and no more ships can be built.

After the limit hits, you can only build a new ship when a ship disappears somewhere on the map due to destruction or recycling. Continue reading