How to Fight Horwasp – as Crystal

The one race least capable of fighting the Horwasp is the Crystalline. Because pods are immune to webs yet minesweep automatically every turn, they can easily sweep your webs. Horwasp warships outmatch your own in battle. The Privateer can’t fight them either, but at least they’re effective at robbing them dry. But what can you do?

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Unwritten Abilities

What makes Planets an extraordinary game is that playing each race is a unique game experience. Individual ship lists and abilities and their matchups change the whole strategic paradigm every time we play. However, all races also have important abilities which are not written in the race descriptions. Understanding these is one of the differences between good play and amazing play.

Here are some, and only some, of the tactics that I’ve collected, and which I always seek to utilize and exploit:

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Diplomacy, By Any Other Means

The player changed the colors of the other players in his space strategy game so he could more clearly distinguish them on the map. The situation was becoming complicated. It was frustrating; a new computer player had been introduced into the game. A new version of the AI. And it was better, which was great. But…

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Pitfalls of Diplomatic Success

Tom Graves wrote an excellent hands-on guide on how to do diplomacy during the first turns of the game, “The Art of Diplomacy”.

In the public activity feed, some probing questions were asked which deserve answers:

  • Can there be too much diplomacy or are there negative effects of doing it too well?
  • Who is the most diplomatic player? And do they have a crushing winning record?
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The Slow Lane to Horwasp Victory

“Walk on road. Walk right side, safe. Walk left side, safe. Walk middle, sooner or later, get squish, just like grape.”

Mr. Miyagi

There are two ways to win as the Horwasp: the fast lane and the slow lane.

The fast lane is when your opponents are inept players. An inept player is one who hasn’t read my SIR MF article and/or is not able to build 20-30 tech 10 war ships prior to the ship limit.

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Commander Koski’s Anti-Horwasp Guide (aka SIR MF)

The Horwasps arrived in the Echo Cluster years ago, yet no proper guides about fighting against them were available — until now. The outcome is clear in games: Either the players fear the Horwasp too much and let them grow too strong, or they charge toward them recklessly, losing ships in vain.

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Strategic Diplomatic Positioning

(written by Commander Koski)

I think we all have played many kinds of war and strategy games. In all of them you try to position your units in a beneficial manner, to hold the high ground, so you have better odds to defeat your opponents.

By “strategic diplomacy” I mean the planned effort to position yourself in your game with Continue reading