Installing Mods with

(written by dtolman)

Did you know that the site supports the use of javascript mods to enhance your VGA Planets experience? The steps to installing a mod are simple – just follow along:

First – are you running Firefox or Chrome? Depending on the version you need to install a different add-on for your web browser – Greasemonkey (Firefox) or Tampermonkey (Chrome)

If you already have these installed on your browser, feel free to skip to the next section below.

Firefox: Go to the site

Adding Greasemonkey to FF

Adding Greasemonkey to FF

Click on the box +Add to Firefox.

FF install popup box

FF install popup box

It will download the greasemonkey addon, and popup a box asking you to install. Once the install is done, it may ask you to restart.

The new icon on your menu bar

The new icon on your menu bar

Once it is installed you will see a new icon on the top right of the menu bar of your browser. If its greyed out, then its inactive. Click on the icon to activate or deactivate it.

You’re now ready to download a mod and install it!

Chrome: Go to the site

Adding Tampermonkey to Chrome

Adding Tampermonkey to Chrome

Click on the button next to Tampermonkey called Add to Chrome on the top of the screen.

Install popup box

Install popup box in Chrome

It will popup a box asking you to add or cancel. Select Add.

Tampermonkey icon once intstalled

The new icon

Once added you will see the tampermonkey icon appear on the top right of the Chrome browser.

Finding Mod Scripts for

There are two good places to find mods for You can look on the site itself under the developer forum:, and click on individual threads to find mods you may find interesting.

Searching for scripts

Searching for scripts

Another way you can find mods is to go to the site that stores almost all mods for, On the userscripts site, go to the search box on the right and type in and hit search. The related mods will appear in the list.

Click on one of the mods that looks interesting, and it will open up the scripts homepage.

The install button on a script's screen

The install button on a script’s screen

Whether you got to the script from the forum, or the site, you should eventually end up on a script page. Click on the install button on the top right to install the mod.

On firefox it will popup a box asking to install. Click the install button on the bottom left of the popup. On chrome it will load a new screen, then popup a box with the choices OK and Cancel. Select OK.

It should then install the mod into Tampermonkey (Chrome) or Greasemonkey (Firefox).

Go to the site, hit reload (the F5 button on the keyboard in Windows, or the reload icon in your browser bar), and click on the tampermonkey or greasemonkey icon on the top right of your browser.

If the mod is installed successfully and active it will appear in the dropdown list with a checkbox (firefox) or with a green dot next to it (chrome). If it doesn’t have a checkbox/green icon, just click the mod name to activate it, then reload the site again to make sure the mod loads.

Firefox/Greasemonkey with an activated script.

Firefox/Greasemonkey with an activated script.

Firefox with script running

Chrome/Tampermonkey with an active script

Chrome/Tampermonkey with an active script

Chrome with script running

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11 thoughts on “Installing Mods with

  1. I’ve installed Tampermonkey and a couple scripts. With an script active (any combination or any on its own) the game halts at the “travelling to the echo cluster” screen before you get to the game dashboard. :S I’m not sure what to do


  2. After further testing I realized that it is the Draw script by Big Beefer, Somehow I didn’t realize I had it on in every other combination. So that script creates the result described above. My bad.


  3. Good point! Since we had a version change in the game in april 2013, some of the older scripts may have to be updated. If your game freezes on startup i recommend to switch off the Add-Ons and to step-by-step switch them on to find out which one makes the game freeze.


  4. Good call thin. Unfortunately with the host changes, most scripts won’t work on the interface anymore – most of them still work on the original though if you want to stick with that.


  5. Hi, I like the new NU site, but still miss many of the scripts. Do you think they will get updated to work at play.planets,nu?


  6. Its up to the individual developer to update them.
    I’ve updated all of mine (color coding, improved ship list, etc) will work with the old or new site.

    I’m going to work on creating an article that goes through all the extant mods, and what version of the game they work with – look for it in the next few weeks.


  7. Dtolman, this is an excellent article on how to install userscripts! I was hoping someone would put something like this together.

    Also, as the author of a number of scripts, I can say that none of mine have been updated for the new version. Whether some might still work I don’t know. I admit I’ve been procrastinating on updating them. It’s just not the most interesting project. But I would like to get them all up to date someday…


  8. have you looked if there is a plugin such as tampermonkey or greasemonkey for the IE? if yes it should work to install the scripts.. i found btw that chrome is the fastest browser fur .nu ..


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